Rancho Solano Preparatory School

Pegasus Monthly, Edition 2, 2023-24

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The Pegasus editorial staff, under the leadership of Editor-in-Chief Avery Shafron, has been working hard to bring you stories on topics of interest in the arts, academics, and athletics at RSPS.  In this October/November issue of Pegasus Monthly, you will find articles on the outstanding conclusions of the US volleyball and x-country seasons, a feature on the Silver Tray Ceremony, the return of the Podcast, the 8th grade research trip to the Civic Center library, Halloween, the Day of the Dead, a Trend column with a focus on energy drinks, an expose on the terrors of HL Math, an article on the sophomore class “flannel” bonding day and a debate about the format of the new PSAT.  There are also spotlight articles on Evan Bonsignore and Mr. Montgomery!  Click here to read the October/November Pegasus Monthly!


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